Be Yourself
I desperately wanted to fit in. It got me into A LOT of trouble.Â
If you thought he was cute, I thought he was cute. If you wanted to wear orange, I would wear it even if I hated it. I wanted the shoes even if they hurt my feet. I think I might have been almost 30 before I had a thought of my own!
I could take years of therapy trying to figure out WHY I was this way. Some may chalk it up to simple teenage peer pressure, others might say it was a deep longing for security and acceptance. I choose to just say I was an ignorant kid and thank God learned a lot and grew out of most of it.Â
Mom always told me "Be yourself". I didn't know really what that meant at the time because I had no idea WHO I WAS, but over the years it has come to my mind again and again. "Melissa, be yourself". And honestly, at this time in my life I like me.