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Church Altar

You Belong to God

It was the darkest time of my life.  I had messed up--BADLY.  Everybody knew.  
My dad had been passed away for about 8 years and I couldn't help but think how disappointed he would have been in me.  I had made poor--very poor--decisions and had lost everything--my reputation, my daughter (she was staying with my mom due to my condition), my mental stability, my job, my friends--everything.  
I was in the passenger seat of mom's van.  It was dark and we were parked in front of her house in Indiana.  I was sobbing uncontrollably.  She patted me on the leg.  "Just pray", she said. 
"Everybody that hates me is praying, too", I cried. 
"I laid you on the alter almost 30 years ago", she said.  "God's got you".
Those words have brought me comfort--not only on this occasion, but many times in the years that have followed.  
Take heart today, God's got you.
His hand is not short that it cannot save, nor His ear heavy that He cannot hear (Isaiah 59)

You Belong to God: Welcome
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